Plant Design
Generally, the process to galvanize a metal fabricated product is not that much different from any material handling operation. The first rule is to keep the production layout as simple as possible. A good layout will promote safe and efficient work habits and is readily automated when desired.
There are two primary ways to lay out a galvanizing facility, and all other layouts are variations on these two designs made necessary because of space limitations or product characteristics.
Perpendicular Plant Layout
The simplest layout places the pickle tanks and kettle perpendicular to the long axis of the building, and the work to be galvanized is carried by a bridge crane “over the side” of the tanks and kettle. This layout uses the least space but has the inherent disadvantage that it is difficult to galvanize work that is longer than the pickle tanks and kettle. This design is an excellent choice for captive plants that do the same type of work every day.
Parallel Plant Layout
The parallel layout places the tanks and kettle parallel with the long axis of the building. This layout uses somewhat more space, but it allows you to galvanize a piece that is longer than your zinc kettle. This design a good choice for job shop galvanizing where many types of work are routinely encountered.